Membership in 2024

If you wish to put your name on the waiting list here we will contact you in 2024 if new places become available.

Membership Type






Young Adult (19 – 29 Years of age) Please provide a photocopy of a picture ID with a date of birth shown.


Family (2 Adults & 2+ Children)


Family (1 Adult & 1 Child)


Family (1 Adult & 2 Children)


Family (1 Adult & 3+ Children)


* Family membership includes Parent(s) and their children 18 and under, or 23 and under if still in full time education.
Junior up to 18 years of age.


Under 8 aged 7 or under @ 31/12 of the previous year. Cannot join alone must be with an existing OR new adult member.


Overseas/Country living > 80 kilometres away from the club.


Full Time Student No age limit. Please provide a photocopy of your current Student ID and proof of full time with your application.


Pavilion Use of clubhouse facilities but no playing rights.


County Wicklow Lawn Tennis Club